At this moment I feel an intense need to blog about the superb tomato soup I just made. I have to say its the best I've ever had... or rosy retrospection has seriously gotten the best of me! THERE IT IS ------------------------>
Although I have to say I'm thankful for the rosy retrospection in the scheme of today since this is quite possibly one of the most depressing days of my life. October 22, 2011 was supposed to be my happy joyful wedding day however the plans were changed due to horrid financial situations.
I had planned the entire wedding down the the last detail and imagined for months how the day would unfold. Now I have a wedding dress to stare at and remind myself that life sucks! Hopefully soon the wedding will be on again, not as elaborate of course but at least I can be thankful that the relationship is still intact.
So in spite of today my fiancee and I tried to make the best of it so we went out for sushi at Nagoya. The sushi was amazing as well, great luck with food today! Walking out we got the witness the wedding party across the way at the Hilton taking photos, I cried a little...
Two tears in a bucket, motherfuck it!
Oh wow its actually the next day, 4:24 in the a.m. to be exact, I'm kind of glad the days over!